san francisco divorce lawyer

Divorce at an Affordable Rate

Although specific statistics vary from to year, it is generally understood that about half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. However, the frequency of divorce in America does not diminish the fact that the process can be emotionally and financially taxing.Divorce lawyer San Francisco, family lawyer San Francisco are crucial considerations when navigating these challenging situations.

Let San Francisco divorce Attorney Diana Romanovska help you close out this chapter in your life. Call (415) 347-0584 to schedule a 10 minute free interview.

Starting the Process

Depending on the couple involved and their level of agreement over the key issues, divorce can either be a relatively smooth process or an extremely strenuous one. In California, and in many other states, the couple does not have to be in mutual agreement in order for one spouse to file for divorce. While the other spouse is unable to block a divorce, they can put up a fight over the divorce settlement and stretch the process significantly.

During a divorce process, the spouses will have the choice to settle major matters between themselves in mediation, or, if neither of the previous options work, before a family law judge.

The key issues that the couple will need to agree or settle on include:

  • Spousal support: Financial support (or alimony) paid by one spouse to the other in order to maintain lifestyle, if necessary, or during a transition into unmarried life.
  • Property division: As a community property state, California law states that property and debts acquired during the marriage are owned equally by the spouses and should be divided equally.
  • Child custody: The decision of whether the spouses will share custody of children equally, or who will hold majority custody and the specifics of that arrangement.
  • Child support: Financial support generally paid by the parent with less custody to the parent with majority custody to help cover the expenses of child rearing until the child or children turn 18.

If you and your spouse are able to agree on all of these issues, you may have little need for a courtroom or even legal counsel, other than to finalize the divorce settlement. However, if no agreement can be reached, it is in your best interest to seek the experienced counsel of a San Francisco family law attorney

Contact Romanovska Law today and learn more about how Attorney Diana Romanovska can help you through your divorce.

end your marriage in a peaceful way

Did you drift apart from your significant other?

Attorney Diana Romanovska is ready to help you begin the next chapter of your life

Call her today at (415) 347-0584 for a 10 minute free interview.

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